Sunday, October 30, 2005

Some little things that can make me happy

A cup of hot tea in a cold winter day

A message from a friend

A short story of life

A chocolate bar

A beautiful scenery

A short conversation with the one I do adore

... there are so many things ...

Carpe diem

Friday, October 28, 2005

Good day after a series of bad days

I got 95 marks for Java exercise 2. I am back on track!
Nothing but the best!

Carpe diem

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New stuff!

I have been recording my music for entertaining purposes ^^ . Feel free to download them and have fun, destrees ^^ . I will be storing them in my gmail account:
Account: myownrecord
Pw: whoknows
First song recorded: If - Bread cover
Have a nice day!

Carpe diem

Scene from a memory

Digging up my own assets and I found this. This website was created 2,3 years ago when I was in 1st year at SP. It's an photoshop assignment and it's the best website I have created ever, lol ^^ . Time flies!

Metal Zone!

Carpe diem

She dumped me.

As title said...

Carpe diem

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Now playing list:

The quiet offspring - Green Carnation
Deadwing - Porcupine Tree
Suspended Animation - John Petrucci
Ghost reveries - Opeth
Octavarium - Dream Theater

Carpe diem

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Birmingham 4:4 Aston

The result reflects a friendly game but both sides played with all they have ^^ . The weather was very bad... raining quite hard but nothing can stop us from playing ^^ . I got my knees injured, damn :(

Carpe diem

Friday, October 07, 2005

Nothing much...

I have just finished 1 exercise today on Software System Components. Got only 40 marks :( I have abandoned Java for too long, man! Can't blame me about that, I tried my best...
Graeam was fucking drunk today! ( one of my flat mate, big and friendly ). He talked a lot, sitting on the sink and doing crazy things even though he is quite silent in nature. Alcohol makes u reveal your true self, or does it make u lose yourself? ... Food for thought :)
Going to play football tomorrow ^^ : Birmingham vs Aston ( friendly match ) . Erhhm, this is the match between Vietnamese students from that 2 universities, not an EPL match, lol...

Carpe diem

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Some other photos

Victoria hall
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Symphony hall
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Canal... surprisingly Birmingham even has more miles of canal than Venice! Here is a part of it
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Broad street ... made up with pubs, clubs and bars, familiar place with students
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Central library
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Scottish street busker
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Artistic shot! lol
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Carpe diem